Very brrrr indeed! Apart from the fact that all our water pipes have frozen, the toilet flush and the handbasin, foliage, door into studio and even the river (which we have never seen before) have all frozen over, we LOVE the snow!
Yes it has been a little challenging, but it has made Christmas time feel so much more Christmasy. Cosy in the studio while the snow came down, a warm mince pie in one hand and a mulled wine in the other - it really doesn't get any better.
The Flock are happy this week with four bales of fresh straw insulating their beds and extra peas fed to them by Jonah and Fred who came to do block printing with their Grandma and Nanny. Peiking (honcho head duck) tried to monopolise the frozen bucket of water by sitting in it, but soon realised nobody wanted to join him and possibly the ice was a smidge chilly on his under carriage!
Beautiful wreaths leaving both the studio and being creating on tour at Ontic in Staverton this week. I feel like Christmas is going too fast and I want more time to experiment myself with wreaths. I try and muscle in where I can (masquerading as helping guests) to get my fix, but I would happily have another month of wreaths.
Emma has been getting free labour from her good friend Louise from Felixstowe. They met at uni doing Surface Pattern & Ceramics, and have been great friends ever since. Louise came to help us on tour (sold to her as a lovely snowy drive around the cotswolds with a short stop for tea and at a company's Christmas do). Satnav duitifully took us down the most treacherous side roads so we could give Louise the best views including a quintessential landrover with 2 pheasants strung to the tyre on the bonnet (as a vegetarian Emma was slightly less in awe of that bit). Emma did pull out all the stops and take Louise to a little trip round Daylesford and was very excited to find Adlestrop cheese in the cheese room! Anyone tried it? Is it any good?
What else! I was so impressed with the gingerbread wreaths last weekend that Sally the cake tutor has kindly agreed to come back on Friday next week to run a session for Emma, me and our families...soooooo excited.
So as I sit in the kitchen writing this blog and feeling that although I have not yet bought any food for xmas, written any cards, and possibly only started Christmas shopping yesterday morning (although I have of course found time to sell gift our piano to make way for a sofa which I shall now start searching for on Facebook marketplace!) I feel very blessed with the wonderful friends, family and guests that bring me joy, laughter and help me when I am being a total div. If you also, have a similar level of Christmas disorgination going on, or simply wish to give the joy of time at Larkswold to a loved one, dont forget to get one of our gift experience vouchers.
Until Christmas Eve eve (thats next Friday), I wish you a wonderful weekend.