John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address inspired children and adults to see the importance of civic action and public service. His historic words, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” challenged every American to contribute in some way to the public good.
So yes - not one to shy away from a little blatant begging - I ask you to step up and channel your inner Larky and help you and your team have a wonderful team event with us.
"Tracy, the session in the morning was constructive, informative and interactive. I feel the team learnt a lot about themselves, each other and ways of thinking.
Melinda and Emma, what a venue!
Fantastic hosts, fantastic food and fantastic crafts! The team really enjoyed the afternoon session and I hope that was clear to see!"
The super wonderful Babs at Superdry is currently basking in the adoration of her team for getting them all over to the studio on Wednesday for their team event. 14 peeps from the technologist team came for a morning with Tracy our resident corporate team resilience expert, a little lunch - when I say a little lunch, those 20 & 30 somethings sure did cheer me up. As you know I'm a bit of a feeder, a pusher of food if you will, and they hoovered up lunch and did a sterling job with the cake bar too.
They then enjoyed an afternoon block printing tote bags - which were of course uber-stylish because they are all fashion officanados.
Emma only managed to embarass herself once by using the word "Trendy" and nearly made me lost for words. Whilst I was chatting with the head honcho about her beautiful Borsoi dogs and discussing their very creative names which were being printed on the bag as we spoke - Emma sidles past and says "Or maybe Lardarse " I mean - I didn't know whether she was low on cake and her spikey side was appearing? Was the accusation directed at me? Worse still at our guest? You can imagine my utter loss for words can't you!
But it was luckily non of the above - apparently the said owner of the Borsoi pups (they look a bit like curly haired greyhounds) had already shared with Emma that one those lovely dogs had the unlikely nick name of Lardarse.
We both finished the day deciding that we want to be more like Amy who's actual job title is "Fit model" (they use her to make sure clothes fit well) who not only has the best job title, but also has a gig dancing in a cabaret in France twice a month and travelling the world - I mean come on -how cool is that?
Discovery day
We have hosted oodles of team building workshops, provided space for companies to hold meetings, refuel over a delicious lunch as well as have some fun getting creative. We are the alternative to dinner and too many drinks (which I am not knocking), or team tasks such as build a raft or a spaghetti tower.
Our newest offering is in conjunction with Tracy from Tapestries supporting 'TeamTime' sessions focusing on getting your team to work better together - to drive performance for the business whilst developing resilience, agility & sustainability. The combination of experiential learning together as a team, being in a community & crafting together will create an experience that can be built on when you return to work.
Who? Office manager, HR person, head honcho, or the person in your team who just organises everything, your mission should you wish to accept is to get them to come to one of our FREE - yes you read correctly - FREE taster sessions to trial a couple of hours in the studio doing candlemaking and a little block printing - and of course a slither of cake.
When? We have three sessions for people to book onto -12 spots on each session. We know sometimes its nice to come with a friend so if you want to bring your buddy we are more than happy for you to do so.
2pm 6th March
10am 11th April
10am 24th May
Why? Heck because it's always nice to come to the studio! But also we ask that you come with your next team event in mind so we can show you how we are the perfect venue choice for you and help provide you with all the answers to get the event signed off by whomever holds the cheque book back at the office.
Don't just take our word for it: